A system for typesetting critical editions
on Personal Computers
CET Users
The following universities and institutes are using CET:
- Albertus-Magnus-Institut, Bonn
- Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, München
- Collegio di S. Antonio, Rome
- Columbia University Libraries, New York
- Indiana University (Department of Philosophy)
- Institute for Dutch Lexicology, Leiden
- K.U. Leuven (Department of History)
- Lippische Landesbibliothek, Detmold
- Ohio State University (Department of Philosophy)
- St. Bonaventure University (The Franciscan Institute)
- University of California, Berkeley (Department of Near Eastern Studies)
- University of Cologne (Thomas-Institut, Institut für Altertumskunde)
- University of Copenhagen (Faculty of Theology)
- University of Freiburg i. Br. (Seminar for Latin Philology)
- University of Fribourg (Institute of Medieval Studies)
- University of Groningen (Department of Mediaeval Studies)
- University of Helsinki (Institute of Systematic Theology)
- University of Leeds (Department of Theology and Religious Studies)
- University of Osnabrück
- University of Porto (Faculdade de Letras)
- University of Rome, La Sapienza (Fac. di Lettere)
- University of Stuttgart (Faculty of Philosophy)
- University of Tokyo (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences)
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All rights reserved. 2004-01-09