The price (including shipping and handling) for a one-site licence of the "Critical Edition Typesetter" (CET) preprocessor CEPP.EXE and of the CET shell is 142 Euro for noncommercial purposes and 500 Euro for commercial purposes. All additional programs are provided for the cost of the storage medium (10 Euro for CD-ROM, 35 Euro for diskettes; including shipping and handling). All additional programs are copyrighted by their respective authors. Additional payment (35 - 89 US dollar per licence) to the author of the editor BOXER is required if BOXER is used beyond the evaluation period (30 days). Any MS-DOS editor which can export text in ASCII format (e. g. Microsoft's EDIT.COM) can be used instead of BOXER. If I choose not to use BOXER longer than 30 days the additional payment is not required.
NAME: _________________________________________________________________
(COMPANY:) _________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________
COUNTRY: _________________________________________________________________
EMAIL: _________________________________________________________________

I would like to order:

noncommercial one-site licence for CEPP.EXE and the CET shell on CD-ROM with online documentation in English and German 152 EUR EUR
commercial one-site licence for CEPP.EXE and the CET shell on CD-ROM with online documentation in English and German 510 EUR EUR
commercial one-site licence for CEPP.EXE and the CET shell on diskettes without documentation 535 EUR EUR
additional noncommercial one-site licence only 142 EUR EUR
additional commercial one-site licence only 500 EUR EUR
printed documentation in English 20 EUR EUR
printed documentation in German 20 EUR EUR
SHIPPING (11 EUR for delivery via air mail to destinations outside Europe) EUR

___________________________________ ___________________________________
Place and Date Signature

Please mail your order to:

 Bernt Karasch
 Am Pulverschuppen 15e
 48155 Muenster

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© 1998-2004 by Bernt Karasch (). All rights reserved. 2004-01-09